vendredi 17 janvier 2014

Gëff eens

Home Films en lice Catégories

Film de Eric Lamhène 
Noah and Baba are friends. Best friends. One day, Noah runs into a panicked Baba. He is nervous, being chased. Baba’s father – a violent man - is drunk again, and out hunting for his boy. Before Noah can do anything to help, the father appears on a motorbike and the boys run away. Soon, Noah finds himself in just as much danger as Baba, experiencing first hand what life is like for his friend when no one is watching.
Société de production luxembourgeoise Centre National de l Audiovisuel
Genre Fiction
Durée exacte 14 minutes
Année de production 2013
Distribution/Sortie en salle au Luxembourg 01/04/2013
Langue(s) du film Luxembourgeois